Earplugs for studying

Oh, I’ll just have that snack… 

Hold on, I need some tunes on.  

Time for a quick scroll through socials. 

We get it. With all the distractions that life offers up, studying is tough enough. 

Not only do they make concentrating seem like an impossible mountain to climb, but can lead to tasks taking forever, unproductivity, and a whole load of procrastination.  

Here’s the lowdown

Concentrating is no easy feat

You’ve got a deadline looming.  

And every single sound is tearing your mind away from the task at hand. Stomping footsteps overhead from the upstairs flat. Traffic noise outside. Your old, noisy washing machine on a never-ending cycle. 

And for some, if you’re adding noise sensitivity into the mix, you’re facing double the difficulty and double the stress. 

You need peace. Calm. And a chance to channel your focus and get back on track. 

So which earplugs are best for studying? We’re glad you asked.

Time to get your focus back

We’re here to help. 

We’ve been on a mission… to invent the best earplugs for studying you can find.  

They’re here. And they’re something special. 

The Loop Experience Plus range. 

Here's what you get:

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Big noise reduction

These earplugs are designed to reduce noise by up to 23 decibels evenly across mid, low and high frequencies. With a cleverly designed acoustic channel, membrane and filter they equal huge noise reduction making them the best earplugs for concentration.


They provide maximum comfort. They fit snugly into all types of ears and are designed to stay put, meaning you won’t have to keep putting them back in while you study.


Stay stylish while studying with earplugs. The Loop Experience Pro range comes in multiple unique colors for you to choose from. And they come in a handy little case, so you can pop them in your desk drawer or bag for wherever and whenever you need them.

  • I bought these because I’m autistic and I struggle to concentrate with a lot of noise around me. When I need to concentrate on studying I find too much noise distracts me and impacts on my mood and productivity. These are great to block out unwelcome noise and increase my concentration.

    - Sarah W.
  • I recently bought these as I get overstimulated easily at school. They’re great for making the noisy classroom quieter and helps me focus a LOT more without the distraction of people's voices constantly banging in my ears.   The mute inserts are very good for when I need a bit of extra quiet as they’re easy to put in. Overall I absolutely love them and 100% recommend! 

    - Iris P.
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Study at your volume

Now you’ve discovered the best earplugs for studying, you’re on track to get your focus back. Which means you’ll be more productive and smashing those deadlines in no time. Sounding like exactly what you need? 

Order yours now

100 days free return

Give them a try on your next study session. With 100 days free return, you can always give them back. No strings attached. And no hard feelings.